ON World report purchase options:

Wireless Sensor Networks R&D Trends and Funding Opportunities

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Corporate/Multi-User License
4 PDF reports and 3 PowerPoint Presentations
WSN Smart Government Set

40% off 4 reports:

*Includes "WSN R&D Trends..." as well as "WSN for Healthcare," "WSN for Smart Metering" and "WSN for Smart Cities"

Corporate/Multi-User License
1 PDF report

WSN R&D Trends and Funding Opportunities

114 pages (24 figures and 13 tables)

Unlimited Corporate-Wide Distribution:
Post the report on your corporate intranet or other information-sharing network for any employee to access, print, and share with colleagues.


Single-user License
1 PDF report

WSN R&D Trends and Funding Opportunities

114 pages (24 figures and 13 tables)
